• September 3: Applying sand topdressing on greens
  • September 23: Crystal Cup Invitational – Participation is by invitation only
  • September 25: Private event
  • September 28 & 29: 2nd Annual Hill Country Junior Amateur Championship for golfers age 18 and under, featuring 9 hole and 18 hole options.  Information & Registration
  • September 30:  Yellow House Charity Golf Tournament   Information & Registration
  • October 7: American Legion Post 911 charitable tournament with proceeds going toward Leander High ROTC cadets.  Information & Registration
  • October 21: 7th Annual Leander Chamber of Commerce Lucky Texas Scramble Golf    Information & Registration
  • October 28: Save the date for our annual Gruesome Twosome.  Unlike a typical 2-person scramble where you choose your best drive, the Gruesome has your opponents selecting your worst shot off the tee!

Welcome back high school golfers!   Crystal Falls is the home course for three Leander ISD high schools, Glenn, Leander and Rouse.  You’ll find these student athletes teeing off from 2:30-4:00 p.m. Monday – Thursday and also on the practice range those days from 2:30-4:30 p.m.

Make time to improve your game.   Our practice area opens daily at 7:00 a.m. and we discontinue selling range balls 1 hour before sunset. On Tuesday, we discontinue selling range balls two (2) hours prior to sunset to conduct a clean pick; and the range reopens Wednesday morning by 11:00 a.m. after maintenance is completed.  Stop in the clubhouse to purchase a ticket for range balls, available in 3 sizes ranging from $5 – $15

Rule 13 – Putting Green

Rule 13 is a specific Rule for putting greens. Putting greens are specially prepared for playing the ball along the ground and there is a flagstick for the hole on each putting green, so certain different Rules apply than for other areas of the course. The Rule allows a player to do things on the putting green that are normally not allowed off the putting green, such as being allowed to mark, lift, clean and replace a ball and to repair damage and remove sand and loose soil on the putting green. Did you know there is no penalty for accidentally causing a ball or ball-marker to move on the putting green?  Click Here to learn more from the USGA

By: Wayne Slaton, Golf Course Superintendent

Having the right tool for the job is very important along with the proper use of the tool.  If you are unfamiliar with the amount of specialized equipment that the golf course uses, let me enlighten you with a view of the basics…. 

To continue reading, click here 

“Why am I using a new putter? Because the last one didn’t float too well.” – Craig Stadler

Kirk Pierce

Kirk is a member of the Golf Course Maintenance team and serves as our Assistant Superintendent.  He has been with Crystal Falls Golf Club for 14 years and enjoys being outdoors and takes great pride in creating the possible playing conditions on the course.   When not rising early to prepare the course, Kirk enjoys family time and golf.

We’re getting closer to identifying a new food and beverage partner for the clubhouse and we appreciate everyone’s patience in this slow but deliberate process. We hope to be up and running with great food and a full bar within the next 90 days or so! In the interim, our friends at Sibil’s Ribs-N-More are serving up some great food from their trailer behind the clubhouse.

Nate Brown and Nick Onesto emerged victorious at 6 under par over 104 other competitors in the August 12 Summer ParTee 2-person scramble tournament, the last of 8 qualifying events in our 2024 Crystal Cup series.   The net handicap finishers were led by Ray Hoglund and Connor Case.  We awarded $1,530 in merchandise gift cards to 30 players ranging from $25 – $75 for finishing 1-5 (overall and net) and winning net skins.    Click Here for the full leaderboard.

Crystal Falls Golf Club – See Rates, Reserve Tee Times, Event Calendar, Tournament Registration and more

Job Openings with Crystal Falls Golf Club and City of Leander

Download the USGA Rules of Golf Mobile App

GHIN Handicap